War Widows Day is not only an important and poignant event on the calendar, but it also pays homage to the powerful bond of shared experience and understanding of a group of women who support one another throughout the year.
The 19th of October is significant to Australian War Widows as it is the birthday of the Widows Guild of Australia, now Australian War Widows QLD (AWWQ) founder, Mrs Jessie Vasey CBE OBE.
State president of Australian War Widows QLD, Judy Smith, said that War Widows Day reminded Queenslanders of the loss felt by many members and raised awareness of the support available to our widows and widowers.
“This day recognises and honours the contributions, sacrifices and grief of widows and widowers from all conflicts whose loved ones gave their lives in service to their country,” Ms Smith said.
Honoring Sacrifices and Support on October 19

According to Ms Smith, key activities include monthly meetings of the 26 groups throughout Queensland, as well as other initiatives and annual events, such as Veterans Health Week, Friendship Day and Christmas functions.
Ms Smith said that in terms of commemorating War Widows Day, each of the sub-branches was encouraged and assisted by AWWQ to find a way that was fitting to their approach.
“Some may have a luncheon and invite a special guest; others may have a bus trip to a place of relevance, but the members decide what is appropriate for them,” she said.
According to Jennie Armstrong, President Australian War Widows Queensland Redcliffe Sub-Branch, 28 ladies were planning a trip on the Mary Valley Rattler in Gympie – and this was just one of the many things their group was grateful for.
“We are very lucky on the Peninsula that there is a War Widow Building, which has 24 independent units, and everybody who lives there is very happy and friendly,” Ms Amstrong said.
Ms Armstrong said the ladies at the Redcliffe sub-branch were only too happy to receive any donations for their monthly raffles and invited people to get involved in their meetings whether they were a war widow or not.
“If you are not a war widow but have interest in the group, you can apply to be an associate member,” she said. “We are also always looking for guest speakers.”
Visit the AWWQ website for information at War Widows QLD website, phone 07 3846 770, or email admin@warwidowsqld.org.au.
War Widows Monthly Meetings
- First Friday of the month, 10:30 am onwards
- Redcliffe RSL (Peacekeepers Room)
- Irene Street, Redcliffe
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